In this episode, Cheryl Stelte talks about being the Perfect Divine Client Magnet.
Cheryl has been a spiritual entrepreneur for over two decades and is the the best selling author of two books, the latest being Client Magnet, The Coaches Guide to Attract Ideal Clients through Spiritual Awareness. She is the founder and CEO of Star of Divine Light Institute and Azarias On-Line Energy Healing. In addition to her psychic abilities, Cheryl holds diplomas and certifications in multiple energy healing modalities, spiritual leadership, coaching, mentoring, retreat guiding, shamanism, acupressure, meditation, and instinctive feng shui. Cheryl is sought after for her ability to help others break through barriers where nothing else worked.
For More Information
★ To learn more about Cheryl Stelte and check out her book “Client Magnet” visit her website here: .
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Show Notes
★ 1:56 – Introduction to Cheryl Stelte
★ 4:53 – Cheryl tells us what it was that made the difference for her
★ 9:13 – Cheryl talks about the journey and how she navigated through the sense of disconnect between being Spiritual and charging for her gifts.
★ 23:33 – Whenever we take a giant step forward, whatever stopped us from doing that before will always come up.
★ 28:02 – We need to evolve. If we stop growing it is almost like death.
★ 30:19 – Cheryl discusses how she helps people.
★ 36:09 – FREE Gifts – A Chakra Reading to see where your strengths and blocks are. Book your reading here: and a copy of her book here:
★ 42:19: Do you want to Meditate and Make Money? Grab your Free meditation today:
★ 42:54 – Apply for your own Energy Scan Consultation at .
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