In this episode, David Peralta talks about learning to embody the Christ consciousness in our daily life.

David Peralta is a spiritual teacher, coach, and creator of The Soul Centered FounderSince 2019, he’s been helping impact-driven entrepreneurs build 6- and 7-figure businesses by aligning themselves with their soul’s purpose.

For years, David worked as a sought-after SEO and content marketing consultant. But despite the professional success, he lacked the sense of fulfillment he’d always envisioned for himself. This spilled over into his family life, where he struggled to be the loving husband and father he knew he could be.

But after a series of profound spiritual awakenings, David realized that he needed to stop living a life based on fear and false expectations, and start living a life centered in the soul. Once he began to do so, he experienced miraculous levels of success across all areas of his life—and a complete transformation in his relationships.

Now, his mission is to help others align themselves with the wisdom and power of the soul, so they can create a lasting impact and become who they are meant to be.

For More Information

★ To learn more about David Peralta visit his website: .
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Show Notes

★ 1:18 – Introduction to David Peralta.
★ 3:01 – Who are we meant to be?
★ 11:51 – It was the first time that, in a human form, we now had a soul that was able to be a gateway to the father directly.
★ 17:43 – The challenge to Heaven on Earth is most of us are not loving all the time.
★ 29:59 – So that’s the potential that we all have as human beings to live in that state.
★ 35:22 – How do we discover how to love the way that Jesus did?
★ 44:18 – Imagine yourself at the point before death, imagine that you have accomplished everything you are here to accomplish …
★ 1:00:27 – Why would we not want that?

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(Duration: 1:03:12 — 29.8MB)