In this episode, Angela Montano talks about The Transformative Power of Prayer: Tapping Into The Unified Field of Awareness to Dissolve Problems and Create Possibilities.
For close to 30 years, Angela Montano has been inspiring a movement to rethink prayer – not just prayer associated with religion – but prayer as a mysterious language of Love. Both as a prayer intuitive and a prayer advocate, Angela has facilitated over 25,000 individual prayer sessions. Through classes, speaking engagements, interviews, and workshops, she has reached thousands more with an innovative and refreshed perspective on this timeless spiritual practice.
Angela began her career as a television news reporter at WPDE-TV in Florence, South Carolina and then, as a producer and on-air host of Carolina Journal for SCETV. In the hundreds of news segments she delivered, Angela felt something deeper occurring in the human spirit, a story richer than the ones she was reporting to her television audiences. Her desire to understand the deeper narrative occurring in humanity led her to Los Angeles where her spiritual inquiry began and continued for several years. After studying with spiritual teacher Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith at Agape International Spiritual Center, Angela found her calling as a licensed spiritual practitioner. She has been working with people of different faiths and belief systems from all over the world since 1994. Angela is a sought-after keynote speaker and workshop facilitator as well as host of the popular podcast The Angela Montano Hour: Prayer on the Air with listeners from over 32 countries. She considers her global audience a prayer collective – a cell in the heart of humanity – whose purpose it is to lift one another and the world in prayer. Angela is also the author of Daily OM’s best-selling course 21 Days of Prayer to Change Your Life, with over 29,000 students enrolled across the globe.
For More Information
★ To learn more about Angela Montano check out her website: https://angelamontano.com/
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Show Notes
★ 1:39 – Introduction to Angela Montano.
★ 4:43 – Yes, boy it’s loaded isn’t it? Isn’t the word ‘prayer’ loaded?
★ 9:10 – In this image I had this idea that if I could find the edges of the cylinder tunnel I could stop falling down.
★ 22:44 – It called me, I had to go into a direction of investigating ‘what is greater than my own thinking?’.
★ 30:32 – I do ask God for help.
★ 32:35 – Often we have these questions and we don’t really sit and wait for the wisdom to arrive.
★ 41:39 – Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we made it our business to pray for one another, as a world?
★ 43:41 – Angela does a brief prayer for everyone.
★ 53:35 – FREE GIFT – Signup on Angela’s website to be invited to a live Zoom call ‘The Angela Montano Hour: Prayer on the Air’ and receive her ‘Let Yourself be Loved’ here: https://www.AngelaMontano.com
★ 1:01:55 – Do you want to Meditate and Make Money? Grab your Free meditation today: https://www.YourSacredPurpose.com .
★ 1:02:25 – Request your own Energy Scan Consultation at https://www.YourSacredPurpose.com .
★ 1:03:27 – You are in Heaven right now and the only thing that blocks that is what we are thinking, believing and feeling as a result of those fear-based thoughts.
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Absolutely, suffering leads to grace, if we let it with opening our minds. There are gifts, power and knowledge to be gained when we open.