In this episode, Meir Ezra talks about Guaranteed Prosperity.

Meir Ezra is a spiritual entrepreneur – a unique combination of business with spirituality. Meir believes that if you focus on money only, your life will never be a true success, because what is money good for without love, personal fulfillment and growth across all areas of life? Additionally, practicing spirituality only, with no ties to money, will never lead to true success – because enlightenment without being able to pay your bills, going hungry, or amassing debt simply isn’t true success either.

Meir’s combination of both led him to achieve much true success in his life… After completing six years in a top unit in the Israeli submarines, Meir travelled the Far East and then moved to Cape Town, South Africa where he established his company which grew to $100 million within 3 months by the age of 31. He went on to establish multiple companies across the globe, has many inventions and patents to his name and has invested in countless businesses.

Meir is a philanthropist – involved in various community projects ranging from getting people off drugs to helping children learn, and has donated millions of dollars to charitable organizations.

He has been married for 35 years, has 3 beautiful children, enjoys kite surfing, latin-style dancing, and to write music and sing.

For More Information

★ To learn more about Meir Ezra visit his website:
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Show Notes

★ 1:40 – Introduction to Meir Ezra.
★ 4:24 – After 6 years they took off the casts and the doctor said I would not be able to walk and I said ‘I think differently’.
★ 13:13 – I had this total certainty that it’s totally temporary and totally up to me to fix it.
★ 20:03 – I’m always at full throttle.
★ 33:03 – It is what it is, and I am handling what it is and not what happened in the past.
★ 41:29 – Thinking is the hope that the past will give you something about now.
★ 50:23 – For as long as you have a barrier to overcome you will be alive.
★ 55:23 – This level of knowingness brings you to such a certainty that nothing is a problem.
★ 57:20 – FREE GIFT – Join Meir’s Family Academy – a powerful series of webinars with knowledge that has already been delivered to 1 million people here:
★ 1:00:44 – I define love as ‘The urge to share the same space for no reason at all’.
★ 1:07:13 – Do you want to Meditate and Make Money? Grab your Free meditation today: .
★ 1:07:35 – Request your own Rock Your Sacred Purpose Energy Scan Consultation at
★ 1:08:22 – Realize that life is composed of oneness while the physical universe is composed of twos.

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(Duration: 1:10:18 — 33.1MB)