Rock Your Sacred Purpose Membership Community

Discover How to Be Bold and Follow Your Intuition to take Clear Steps as a Light Leader

It is time to transition from fear and control into BOLDNESS

Over many thousands of years your soul’s incarnation and the embedded energy with the physical through ancestral lineages, parent programming, society programming, religion programming, racial programming, and much more has been rising up inside, ready to be released…

Many of you might feel that you have already cleared a lot of old stuff but you are not rocking your sacred purpose yet… and you so deeply long to come back home to Source all the way… this is your longing ultimately for ascension into the New Earth… ascension of your light body into your next level in the process.

When I found out what would be happening during this time many years ago, I started deepening into spiritual practices and trained hundreds or even thousands of lightworkers wanting to start or grow their businesses through their sacred purpose to deepen with their gifts and help more people awaken during this very critical time on the planet.

In this process, I have discovered the practices and the support needed to support myself and others in rocking their sacred purposes.

What my students have said is what I teach goes deeper and is the most direct route to waking up more fully versus other things they have tried in the past.

For myself, I have gone from not even being able to meditate to walking in constant awareness virtually all day long and supporting others around the world to begin doing the same.

I have helped countless students (light leaders, healers, and spiritual entrepreneurs

wanting to thrive on every level) use practices and tools to support this deeper work needed to awaken as many souls as possible for this massive awakening around the globe

Unfortunately, taking the right steps to trust your Source/Light Team to be in the light is not easy…

You either have to keep living life as you are and not living your dream…

…and in this case, you will be continuing in “life as-is” and not reaching your potential

Or you can go it your own …

…of course, the result is that you will be having to piece together the spiritual practices you need or paying high costs to train with others until you find the right fit

But there’s an easier and more effective way to channel into the humanity of love, prosperity, and ascension for all…

…without the need to keep living life as you are and not living your dream or go it your own

Will you now take in the foundations of everything I have been teaching for over a decade and support your path to enlightenment while supporting the ascension process for the planet?

If the answer is YES

I am honored and thrilled to support you through my new ongoing membership community, and teach you how to prosper on every level of your life in the process.

Let me introduce you to Rock Your Sacred Purpose Self-Study Mentorship

This is our self-study mentorship that can help you channel you into the humanity of love, prosperity, and ascension for all.

By joining the Rock Your Sacred Purpose Membership Community, you will:

Take steps to rock your sacred purpose
Eliminate fear about being visible
Release persecution and worry about what others might say

Here are the ways in which I will be supporting you in rocking your sacred purpose and this ascension process at the same time


12 Chapters from my ebook, Rock Your Sacred Purpose, which you will be reading and embodying at your own pace


2 – 90-Minute Recorded Group Sessions per chapter with foundational instruction and mentoring based on the chapters of the ebook, Channeling and Healing with my Light Team/Source, and Channeled Prayers.

Facebook group for ongoing support and celebration
50% off coupon for my audio programs and products
50% off an annual virtual or in-person event
Plus many more surprise bonuses

Here Are the 12 Chapters That We Will Be Covering

Chapter One
Meditation – Your Foundational Practice

Understand what true meditation is and how to practice this to deepen yourself in awakening
Establishing the Foundations for Your Most Effective Meditation Practice to Rock Your Sacred Purpose
Learn Various Other Types of Meditations including the Magical Circle, Most Effective Visualization Techniques for Manifestation, and 7 Major Chakra Methods for Healing/Awakening/Ascension

Chapter Two
The Power of Prayer: Learn How to Deepen Your Prayers for Yourself and Others

How To Most Powerfully Use Affirmative Prayer for Awakening, Manifestation, and Deeper Healing For Yourself
How To Use Channeled Prayers Constantly to Bring You Peace, Joy, Health, Abundance, and so much more!!!

Chapter Three
Connecting with Higher Dimensional Beings – Your Archangels, Guides, Ascended Master, and Beyond

Understand what higher dimensional connections are and how to creatively use them with awakened success
How to gain access to higher dimensional connections to deepen your awakening, give you clarity, and support you energetically for manifestation of your sacred purpose
Identifying and communicating with your light team including summoning the right team members for you
How to summon and channel your light team to raise your frequency for awakening and ascension of your light body

Chapter Four
Integration of Your Higher Awareness and Exposing Your Shadows

How to Be Constantly Deepening In Awareness to Transcend Your Pain Body and your Ego Mind
How To Expose Your Own Shadows and Clear Your Old Addictions/Patterns
Learn to Deepen Into Your Greater Presence Within Your Being Through Shadow Work

Chapter Five
Your Blissful Path of Clarity – Love, Money, Health, and Outer Purpose

Identify the state of being that is primary for your soul to embody for each area of your life and your overall life
How to clarify your life structures to serve your highest purpose
Understand The Key to Clarity in Each Area of life (Love, Money, Health, & Outer Purpose)

Chapter Six
Letting Go of Your Sense of Control and Letting God’s Grace to Unfold

Discover the secrets to letting go of fear and control programs
Understand how to clear Your Old Limiting Beliefs systematically and finally
How to Surrender and Follow Your Divine Guidance In Each Moment

Chapter Seven
Your 7 Major Chakras and How To Tune Into Them

Understand In-Depth the structure, nature, and elements of Your 7 Major Chakras
Realize what Each 7 Major Chakras Reflect for Us In Consciousness
Discover tools and methods for tuning into your 7 Major Chakras in-depth for greater awakening and deeper healing

Chapter Eight
Resolving Energetic Fragments Within Each Chakra To Wake Up Fully and Ascend

How to discern information from your energy fragments
How to transmute them into awakened wholeness
How to allow your entire energy channel to open to become enlightened
How to allow your entire energy channel open to ascend

Chapter Nine
Energetic Magic – Playing Full Out As An Infinite Being

How To Focus and Direct Your Attention For Magical Manifestation that always delights you with the experience of awakening, bliss, ease, and grace
How To Allow Your Magic to Open and Flow To Manifest Anything In Your Life
Discover how everything and anything can be manifested from a place of total ease and lightness

Chapter Ten
Clearing Shadows Around Money – Using the MoneyTalk Method for Enlightened Money Success

Discover what are your shadows around money
Learn about how to use the MoneyTalk Method and how it transforms your shadows around money into enlightened money success
How to use the MoneyTalk Method to awaken your being and enjoy enlightened money success

Chapter Eleven
Transcending the Physical Through Grounding and Ascending Your Light Body

How to Ground Your Energetic Being Deeply
How to Ascend Your Light Body

Chapter Twelve
Gather A Brilliant Team for Your Greatest Success On All Levels

Learning to Call in your light team and Earth Team for enlightened success
Discover how to communicate with your light team and Earth Team for best results
Allow your team and everything to show up in perfect timing within the enlightened flow of your being


You will have access to each of the recorded sessions from each of the 12 chapters.

During the sessions, I channeled LIVE with my Light Team/Source and provided channeled prayers for the group based on my tuning into their collective energies including their 7 Major Chakras and beyond


Join the Rock Your Sacred Purpose
Self-Study Mentorship


Self-Study Mentorship


12 Chapters from my forthcoming ebook, Rock Your Sacred Purpose, which you will be reading and embodying at your own pace


2 – 90-Minute Recorded Group Sessions per chapter with foundational instruction and mentoring based on the chapters of the ebook, Channeling and Healing with my Light Team/Source, and Channeled Prayers.

Facebook group for ongoing support and celebration
50% off coupon for my audio programs and products
50% off an annual virtual or in-person event
Plus many more surprise bonuses

Payment for 1 year of access $497

Join Today

Investment: $497

ONLY $147

 With this special self-study mentorship, I am expecting you to come in with a full-on commitment to this work for a minimum of one year to go through all the foundations to thrive on all levels.







This is for you if you are a lightworker, healer, metaphysical practitioner, or want the tools to clear your energy and be more in the light.

But, I’m sure you have questions and are wondering:

How will this self-study mentorship help me get support to be more conscious, awake, and aware to step forward in your lightworker sacred purpose?

I’ll tell you right away:

First, you will discover true spiritual practices that will clear your energy and deepen your awakening faster.

Secondly, you’ll uncover how to powerfully use affirmative prayer for awakening, manifestation, and deeper healing for yourself and others.

And it doesn’t end there.

There are more ways you can benefit from this year-long membership community.

For example, discover higher dimensional connections with your Light Team and use them creatively to awaken success.

Just take a few seconds and imagine how this is going to impact your sacred purpose and trust with Source.

As you can see, this year-long self-study mentorship will help you channel into humanity of love, prosperity, and ascension for all.

The result is that you will be able to get support to be more conscious, awake, and aware to step forward in your lightworker sacred purpose.

If you think that’s all, you’re in for a big surprise.

By joining, you say, “YES!,” to commit to being a lightworker and rocking your sacred purpose

This will give you the energy, confidence, and strength to stand up and take steps towards living your purpose.

Awesome, isn’t it?

You see, the Rock Your Sacred Purpose Self-Study Mentorship is a mentorship you can’t afford to miss if you want to get support to be more conscious, awake, and aware to step forward in your lightworker sacred purpose.

With this self-study mentorship, you won’t have to be continuing in “life as-is” and not reaching your potential.

And you won’t need to piece together the spiritual practices you need or pay high costs to train with others until you find the right fit.

On the contrary, you will now be able to channel into the humanity of love, prosperity, and ascension for all.

So, if you are ready to get support to be more conscious, awake, and aware to step forward in your lightworker sacred purpose, click the button below to join the self-study mentorship.

Get Into My Inner Circle and Watch the Magic Happen

“No one brings energy the way you do” is a quote from a very powerful healer (decades of experience)
friend of mine after listening and receiving one of my clearings.

See What More Clients Say About My Work

“Dan, you truly are a spiritual rock star with the way you do your coaching. I’ve had so many sessions over the years with many, many different coaches, and I must say that you are head and shoulders above the pack in your ability to create the space to allow for the emergence of clarity.

I tend to be run a bit fast and so finding the time to go deep into my knowing has been a challenge at times. The last session we had blew me away! I came in wanting an idea of how to market my new program, and instead of getting into the solution, you created the most amazing ‘space’ where my own answers could emerge.

Needless to say, I was delighted with what I found. You are such a gem, and I’m grateful to have you assist me in getting my work out there in the world.  Blessings!”


Therese Skelly, Mindset Mentor and Business Catalyst

The magic of working with Dan began on my first consultation call with him – I hadn’t even hired him yet and my energy opened up. I had been searching for the right next step to put myself into the world for 6 YEARS. I’d done everything – healings, visioning, coaching, journaling, etc. Nothing worked. I inched along and made little progress in getting a vision I could get behind.

In 10 minutes on the phone with Dan all of that changed. I finally knew how to be the me I’ve always wanted to be and how to make money doing it! The money blocks that I had taken on in the last 10 years melted away and I increased my income by $5000 THE FIRST MONTH! I’m well on track to keeping up that pace and expanding even further. I can’t wait to see what Dan has in store for me next. Watch out world, here I come!

Kelle Sparta

Daniel John Hanneman has the unique ability to tap into the essence of any issue you may be facing and then draw on the most powerful force for transformation in the unseen world to bring resolution to the problem or fulfillment to the desire. He is a gifted healer and teacher.

Chris Attwood

NY Times Bestselling author of "The Passion Test" and "Your Hidden Riches" | Founder and President of Beyul Club and Resort

Important Details About Your Rock Your Sacred Purpose Membership Community Subscription

Rock Your Sacred Purpose Membership Community is an ongoing membership program offering a monthly subscription (as well as a yearly subscription with a $67 a year savings). Your credit card will be automatically charged monthly, or yearly depending on the plan you subscribed to.

To gain the most out of this community we highly recommend at least a year commitment.

Satisfaction Guarantee

We’re confident you’ll find this to be one of the best investments in your personal and business life that you ever made. If you aren’t completely happy with it for any reason, you can cancel your membership anytime, with no hassles, no questions asked. (If you decide not to continue monthly or past one year, just let us know in writing and we won’t process your next subscription payment. We cannot offer refunds on payments made.)

I’m confident you’re going to love working with the Rock Your Sacred Purpose material every month… and that, once you begin experiencing its powerful results in your own life, you’ll want to continue with our community.

For assistance, please write to us at

Join the Rock Your Sacred Purpose Membership Community