Is your soul guided to Be Like Jesus while embodying more LOVE, JOY, and EXPANSION in your business and life?
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Hello, I’m Daniel Hanneman!
I have helped hundreds of Spiritual Entrepreneurs to hone their greatest gifts to make a greater difference in people’s lives while owning their worth to gain new high-ticket clients.
I am a Master Intuitive Business Coach, Spiritual Channel, Creator of the Energy Scan Training Technique, Podcast Host, and Co-Author of an International Best-Selling Book Wake Up Live The Life You Love – Living In Abundance, which featured internationally renowned legends including Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Dr. Michael Beckwith.
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I felt the call to attend The Power Of Surrender retreat and I have to say, I was really amazed by what I received during and after the virtual retreat. I was feeling lost and in a slumber with the next steps in taking my business to the next level.
I wanted to open myself up again and bring forth my personal power to make a greater difference through my work of trauma recovery, galactic healing and regenerative detoxification. Through Daniel’s in-depth downloads, channelling, meditation and angelic prayers as well as the safe energetic container of the group and their loving support, I felt my heart was expanding and the presence of being grateful, in flow and sync with the universe again.
What I received during and after the retreat was a business collaboration to be interviewed for my work, instant cash for an item I was struggling to sell, regained a soul sister that I cut off a couple of years ago, I received a download that love takes time after dancing with a man on the beach (which was unplanned!) and confirmation that I am speaking at Mind Body Spirit festival for 2 days!
I feel so motivated and determined to pursue my goals and dreams again! Thank you so much Dan for the incredible work that you do! I will definitely be attending another virtual retreat and I highly recommend it to any light leader who has a fire in their belly and a deep desire in their heart to create a massive impact in the world.
Daniel has helped me move from worry to acceptance to thriving with his support and guidance. I come back to him when I’m ready to level up to the next iteration. He is compassionate and gentle but can bring the steel when I need a bit of a kick in the pants. I trust him with my soul.
Working with Daniel has totally transformed what I thought was possible for me and my business in a very short amount of time.
If you are a Solopreneur, Psychic, Empath or very sensitive person, it is so easy to collapse in on yourself and I think that Daniel’s strong connection to Spirit combined with his confidence and knowledge base is just the medicine I think anyone in this space needs.
Having a consistent reminder of the support of Spirit around, not only in creating your business, but also in creating your offers, is something that Daniel provides really beautifully and his level of confidence is totally invaluable.
While working in a container with Daniel I found myself selling high-ticket offers that I would probably have never found myself selling without his assistance. Daniel was able to highlight that which he saw in me, that I wasn’t yet able to see in myself. His amazing reflection of not only what I brought to the table in my strengths and gifts, but also the confidence I needed that I could sell these higher-ticket items and trust in myself in a whole deeper way.
I gained a deeper sense of my purpose, specifically in my business, as well as core beliefs around who I am and what I came here to do, what genuinely fulfills me, how to express that outwardly, and also how to find my tribe full of people who echo those similar pillars of belief.
I learned how to sell and speak to my tribe in a way that I had never learned before Daniel’s expertise in marketing and selling while having what one may call ‘tough conversations’ in regards to sales. These tough conversations were totally invaluable and they taught me a lot.
Daniel has an amazing intuitive ability to, not only, connect his clients more deeply with themselves, but also help them navigate their own vast and varied client base.
Daniel’s complete and total love of the work he does and the deep professional care that he has for his clients shines through. Daniel is a very high level coach who I feel very blessed to have been in a container with for the past 6+ months.